Tips for a Healthy Brain

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Tips for a Healthy Brain

The brain is arguably the most vital organ in our body. It serves many functions that help us effectively function in our everyday lives, from controlling and coordinating actions and reactions, allowing us to think and feel, memory and thinking, and more. Hence, taking care of our brain and keeping it healthy is important. 

As we age, the risk of brain degeneration increases, and an unhealthy lifestyle and other environmental factors may lead to faster brain degeneration. Brain degeneration is a severe health problem older people are facing. Conditions common in older populations such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease lead to gradual brain and nerve deterioration.  

But we must know that natural strategies can help prevent brain degeneration and enhance brain autophagy or the process that allows our brain to regenerate and get rid of our old and unhealthy cells.  

In this article, we will focus more on brain autophagy. This is a cellular recycling process where the cell itself metabolizes various components to reuse them and build new and healthier cell structures. 

Brain autophagy is important because it allows brain regeneration and helps in preventing and slowing brain degeneration.

Strategies to promote a healthy brain

1. Restorative Sleep

We all know how important it is to have a good amount of sleep and restorative sleep is something that we should work on to allow brain autophagy. It is suggested to have a structured sleeping and waking up schedule because it supports our circadian rhythm and sleep cycle

Staying away from food, most especially when it contains sugar and caffeine close to bedtime, is highly encouraged. If you get hungry near bedtime, opt for water or some organic herbal tea. Refrain from using gadgets hours before bed and divert your attention in reading books or any activity that does not need screen time. Try to relax and meditate or have a relaxing bath before bedtime. 

2. Keep stress under control

Stress does many negative things not just for mental health but also for our physical health. Keeping stress under control is vital for brain autophagy and brain health in general. 

Look for activities that can help you release or prevent stress. Diverting our attention from things that stress us is important. Meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, or just going out to walk and breathe fresh air are a few things that may release stress. Stress release differs for everyone. Find something that works for you, and your brain will thank you later. 

If you have had issues with anxiety or depression not controlled by conventional medications, you may have a genetic variant that can be helped by targeted nutrient supplementation. To learn more contact us here.

3. Ketosis

Ketosis or also known as the keto diet supports brain autophagy. This strategy is something that you can incorporate into your daily diet. Staying away from high to moderate carbohydrates and focusing on eating a more high-fat ketogenic diet not just supports brain autophagy but can provide our body with energy without worrying about sugar intake. 

4. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting together with a keto diet is highly encouraged as it helps improve brain autophagy. Aside from autophagy, other benefits of intermittent fasting are cellular repair, immune regulation, and insulin sensitivity.  Before undergoing intermittent fasting, do your research and find the intermittent fasting that works for you. 

5. Nutrient-Dense Foods

Being conscious of our diet is not just beneficial for our brain but our overall health. Foods that promote autophagy and support brain health are found in nutrient-dense foods. We should refrain or much better remove inflammatory foods from our diet. Examples of inflammatory foods are refined sugar, oily foods, and processed foods. 

We can use many alternatives, such as using avocado oil instead of refined oils, eating fruits such as berries whenever we crave something sweet or sugary, and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of soft drinks or energy drinks. 

6. Regular Exercise and Movements

Regular exercise not just helps in aiding brain autophagy, but it also helps relieve stress. It helps improve memory and learning and helps reduce the risk of cognitive decline. The exercise does not need to be intense. Doing activities such as gardening, dancing, or doing a quick yoga can do the trick! 

7. Heat and Cold Therapy

Two types of therapy may help aid brain autophagy:

Heat Therapy

The heat from heat therapy helps our body to destroy old and damaged cells and create new and healthy ones through autophagy. They also help in stabilizing new proteins and refold damaged proteins. 

Cold Therapy 

This therapy aids in increasing brain autophagy. Cold shock proteins from the cold therapy helps our cells to survive under stressful conditions.

It is recommended to combine these two for optimum effects. 

8. Use herbs

Some herbs help aid autophagy and are good for our brain health. These herbs are matcha, ginger, turmeric, citrus bergamot, oregano, sage, rosemary, and quercetin. We can use these herbs for tea, mix with our food, or drink supplements that have these herbs. 

9. Red light therapy

Red light therapy (RLT) is a therapeutic strategy to improve brain autophagy. This therapy is commonly used in healing, but it is also beneficial for overall brain health. 

10. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

This therapy raises tissue oxygen levels, supports new blood vessel growth, aids in immunity, and supports brain autophagy. This therapy provides overall benefits for our health. Without a hyperbaric chamber, regular deep breathing exercises aid delivery of oxygen to the brain.

11. Drainage of toxins

Massage the glands in your neck and under the jaw downwards away from the head for a few minutes twice daily to release toxins from the brain into the lymphatics.

Keeping your brain and body healthy should be at the forefront of your mind. Consider it your insurance against degenerative neurological conditions as you age. Taking care of your overall health does not have to be expensive. It just takes a bit of time and thought. There are a lot of strategies that you can do.

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