Parasitic Activity during the Full Moon

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Parasitic Activity during the Full Moon

Parasites: What Are They?

A parasite is a living thing that inhabits its host and feeds off of or at the expense of it. Parasites fall into three primary categories:

  1. Protozoa are minute, single-cell parasites that can divide or grow inside their host. They can spread from one person to another through blood, insect bites, or faeces. The parasite Plasmodium, which causes malaria, is one illustration.
  2. Helminths are parasitic worms. Larger, multicellular organisms, they could be seen with the unaided eye. Roundworms, pinworms, trichinella spiralis, tapeworms, and flukes are a few examples. Over 3 billion people, or half of the world’s population, are thought to be infected with one of the three types of worms: roundworm, hookworm, or whipworm.
  3. Ectoparasites are parasites that live outside of their hosts. The term “blood-sucking arthopaids” is also used to describe ectoparasites, which include fleas, bedbugs, and lice.

The activity of numerous biological entities is influenced by the moon’s phases. Around the full moon phase, parasites and other microbes are said to become more active. The chance that they have parasites is something that many individuals are not aware of. One of the illnesses in Australia that receives the least attention is parasitic infections. In fact, according to some scientists, 90% of us may have parasites.

Organisms classified as parasites rely on their host to survive. Three different kinds of parasites prey on people: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites. Diseases caused by parasitic infections range in severity from the minor to the potentially fatal. The individual who has been affected suffers as the parasites thrive. They frequently deprive their host of nutrition. In patients with parasites, nutrient shortages and digestive problems are frequent.

Higher parasite activity is linked to the full moon. This is because the circadian rhythm in your body reacts to changes in the moon’s cycle. In accordance with your circadian rhythm, parasites are more active and reproducing. We create more serotonin and less melatonin during full moons. With increased serotonin synthesis and decreased melatonin, parasites are more active.

Indication of Parasitic Infection:

It’s common to confuse various illnesses with parasite infections. You may have a parasite infection if your healing has plateaued or you continue to experience stomach problems.

Infections with parasites can cause a wide range of symptoms. With little symptoms, parasites can go undiscovered or they can cause fatal infections. You might notice the following signs if you have a parasite infection:

  • Skin rashes or bumps
  • Difficulties with sleep, including insomnia and poor sleeping patterns
  • Pain and aches
  • Either a decrease in weight or a rise in hunger
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain
  • Fever
  • Weakness and Allergies
  • Minerals, particularly iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, copper, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies

Supplements to use during full moon parasite cleansing:

Depending on how each person reacts, we occasionally switch different herbal supplements in and out of the treatment. These must be combined with a binder to bind toxins in the gut for elimination. Talk to Verona for the herbal treatment specific for your infection.

Success Strategies for a Parasite Cleanse:

Here are a few extra measures you ought to put into practice as you proceed through the full moon phase parasite problem and beyond. It’s crucial to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes regular detoxification techniques.

Most of these merely need for a change in lifestyle and a commitment to implementing them. I implore you to implement these concepts into your lifestyle if you wish to live as infection-free as possible.

1. Eat a diet low in inflammation

It’s crucial to follow a low-carb, anti-inflammatory diet while on your parasite cleanse. Your body will start to enter a nutritional ketosis state, using ketone bodies as fuel instead of glucose. This will maintain your energy levels, lessen your hunger and cravings, and control your stress hormones as well as your appetite.

To help regulate blood sugar, include plenty of healthy fats and lean proteins in your diet. Grass-fed beef, organic eggs, wild-caught salmon, and organic chicken are all good sources of protein. Along with grass-fed butter and ghee, beneficial fats include avocados, coconuts, olives, and their oils. You’ll be able to endure the parasite cleansing time better, feel more intellectually aware, and experience fewer cravings if you eat protein and fat.

Add phytonutrient-rich veggies and antimicrobial herbs like oregano, rosemary, and ginger to the protein and fat. Some of the finest things to eat when trying to avoid parasites include sprouted pumpkin seeds, fresh pomegranate, raw garlic, and raw onions.

A parasite infection or growth may be aided by avoiding sugars, grains, processed meals, alcohol, conventional meats, and dairy products.

2. Intermittent Fasting

Consuming food just during a specific time window each day is known as intermittent fasting. It is separated into two periods: the building or feeding window, during which you eat, and the fasting or cleansing window, during which you abstain from eating. Simple fasts, brunch fasts, cycle fasts, strong fasts, warrior fasts, and one-day food fasts are a few examples of intermittent fasting variations.

Simple fasts are the ideal method to get started with fasting. You just drink water during a basic fast for the twelve hours between dinner and breakfast. This provides the liver with an opportunity to finish its cycle. The best strategy to develop metabolic flexibility and the energy efficiency that increases our body’s internal resistance is to follow a regular intermittent fasting schedule.

3. Extended Fasting

Over-48-hour fasting is referred to as extended fasting. Extending the fast beyond intermittent fasting has more advantages. Your body can heal and rebuild cells, tissues, and organs on a deeper level with prolonged fasting. One of the most effective healing techniques you may use for a rapid improvement in your health is extended fasting.

4. Other Fasting

Other methods of fasting may contain trace amounts of specific calorie sources. The calorie load is typically one-fourth of the average person’s daily caloric intake. Someone who isn’t ready for more difficult fasts may find this method useful. These fasting methods include the fasting imitating diet, fat fasting, green juice fasting, keto fasting, and bone broth fasting.

Tomatoes in cans without BPA or even in alternate packaging may be available. However, I believe that purchasing fresh, organic tomatoes from your neighborhood health food store or farmers market is definitely best.

5. Rest and Sleep

Feeling exhausted and sleepy when undergoing a parasite cleanse is typical. This is a signal that the body is trying to mend itself. During the cleanse, allot more time for relaxation and recuperation. Give yourself some space to unplug from the world, take a nap, take an Epsom salt bath, diffuse some essential oils, pray or meditate, and generally slow down.

It’s crucial to prioritize getting a good night’s sleep by going to bed early, making your room as dark as you can, and taking care of yourself in the evenings. The immune system and the brain’s ability to cleanse itself depend on sleep. Here is a useful article with tips on how to get better sleep.

If you have trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep call Verona for help.

6. Move every day

Avoiding vigorous exertion is crucial when performing a parasite cleanse. Stress hormone is stimulated by vigorous exercise. It also consumes the energy needed by the body for detoxification. Get short bursts of low-intensity exercise instead, including 20–30 minutes of yoga, mild walking, or elliptical use.

Regular exercise increases blood circulation, oxygenation of the tissues, and lymphatic system movement. Additionally, it activates brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin that make you feel better and enjoy life more.

7. Optimize your water intake

During a parasite cleanse, optimal hydration is essential. Bone broths, filtered water, fermented veggies, and herbal teas are all excellent cleansing aids.

Drinks that have undergone fermentation offer organic acids, probiotics, potassium, and enzymes. Your gut microflora can be balanced with the help of organic acids and probiotics. Enzymes aid in the body’s ability to heal, and potassium aids in the removal of toxins from the cells and through the elimination pathways. While you are ridding your body of parasites, fermented veggies like coconut water kefir, kombucha, apple cider vinegar beverages, water kefir, and fermented whey are excellent to include.

8. Think about using enemas

Enemas are incredibly powerful at removing putrid waste that has built up on the colon walls from the body. Enemas come in a variety of forms, such as water enemas, probiotic enemas, enemas with wheatgrass juice, and enemas with organic coffee.

Coffee enemas encourage the liver to create more glutathione, the primary antioxidant, in higher quantities. This may hasten the outcomes of your parasite cleanse.

9. Daily Bowel Movement

A parasite cleansing requires daily bowel movements. If you don’t get rid of the parasites as soon as they are eliminated, your symptoms can get worse. Waste either sits in your digestive tract or passes slowly through it when you don’t eliminate it every day. Bacteria ferment this waste, creating a favorable environment for the growth of harmful germs. Additionally, these microorganisms emit poisons that cause inflammation all across the body.

Intestinal Mover is a great dietary supplement for safe, natural relief from constipation. This medication is especially made to support detoxification and the digestive system without producing discomfort or dependence. You might also think about using Oxy Powder, a synthetic method for oxygenating and cleaning your colon.

10. Saunas, sunbathing, and dry brushing

Supporting detoxification while eliminating parasites is crucial. Detoxification benefits of sunlight, saunas, and dry brushing.

When dry brushing, move in a circular motion, starting at your extremities and working your way up to your torso and heart. The best time to do this is before taking a shower with a natural bristle brush, followed by a warm shower. Dry brushing provides various health advantages, including enhancing nervous system function, eliminating dead skin layers, and lymphatic system purification.

To encourage the release of pollutants, spend some time in an infrared sauna. Additionally, sun exposure boosts immunity and encourages more thorough cellular cleaning.

If you feel you need help with chronic health issues and can’t pin down the cause, or you need help with neck or back pain from sitting, don’t hesitate to give me a call at 02 66252925 or send a contact request HERE

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