Ten Guidelines For Staying Healthy While Traveling During The Holidays

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Ten Guidelines For Staying Healthy While Traveling During The Holidays

1. Beware of Sugar

After consuming sugar, your immune system is suppressed for six hours. Avoid sugary foods and beverages including candies, cakes, cookies, ice cream, sodas, and other sweetened beverages. However, if you must indulge, do so sparingly.

2. Prioritize Sleep

Ensure that you get a minimum of 8 hours of sound sleep every night. Studies have shown that lack of sleep raises insulin resistance and blood sugar levels, even to diabetic levels, which in turn increases appetite and caloric consumption. It has been demonstrated that even one night of bad sleep increases appetite the next day.

3. Protects yourself against EMFs

The natural electrical wiring in your body may be impacted by EMF exposure. You may experience neurological and immunological effects from this. As a result, exposure to EMF weakens your immune system and makes you feel more agitated, anxious, and overwhelmed.

4. Pace yourself

The holidays are a marathon, not a sprint, so keep that in mind. Therefore, try not to rush through it all as quickly as you can or do all the other items on your list before you’ve finished the task at hand. Trying to do too much too soon can be detrimental to your health.

5. Stay hydrated

Water is necessary for life, detoxification, and wellness. You cannot eliminate toxins, bacteria that produce acid, or waste materials without drinking enough water, which can make you sick. To stay hydrated and healthy, consume about 3 liters of filtered water each day especially in hot weather..

6. Boost your immune system

Airports, railway stations, crowds, and lots of germs are frequently associated with holiday travel. Additionally, it implies that there will be many opportunities to catch the flu or a cold. By taking vitamin C supplements, you can strengthen your immune system and help it fight off illnesses. Our soils are deplete of zinc so get your level checked.

7. Make Smart Alcohol Choices

Why not choose the healthiest option for your drink if you do raise a glass of alcohol in celebration of the holidays? Red wine is a wonderful choice since it contains antioxidants that support numerous bodily functions, including those related to heart health. Another excellent option is black beer, which contains polyphenols that decrease cholesterol, fight cancer, and eliminate daily viral risks in the body. Don’t forget to drink responsibly and never drive after drinking!

8. Eat Mindfully

Most of us have a tendency to overeat this time of year because there are so many sweets, cookies, and fatty meals available. A large number of hormones and enzymes interact and work together during the complicated process of digestion. Your brain sends the “full” signal after around 20 minutes. Take your time and enjoy every bite. You won’t be as likely to overeat if you do it that way!

9. Release Expectations

No day of the year or individual is perfect. Release whatever expectations you may have for the ideal family gathering, the ideal day, the ideal dinner, or the ideal behavior from your in-laws. Instead, strive to enjoy the time you have with your loved ones by being present with them.

10. Practice An Attitude of Gratitude

Take a moment, or several, amid the holiday shopping frenzy! – to keep in mind the true meaning of this time of year: peace, joy, love, and appreciation. Make a thankfulness diary and list your Thanksgiving blessings in it. Tell your family members how much they mean to you. Maintain a daily attitude of thankfulness. Keep in mind that more important than everything else, love, kindness, and gratitude.

After the dust settles in the New Year and a non-diet approach to weight loss appeals to you, come and have a chat with me! I can help you feel good about yourself again. Call on 02 66252925 or send a contact request HERE

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