20 minute discovery call

Thank you for attending the webinar where we covered Get your energy and life back - Chronic Fatigue Unfolded and if you are interested in booking a 20 minute session with Verona to discuss where you are at and how your health concerns can be resolved, then click here.

Hi, I'm Verona Chadwick

In my Root Cause Online Coaching program, I work one on one with you from the comfort of your home to investigate the underlying drivers of inflammation and chronic illness instead of masking symptoms with medications while the fire simmers within. Together, we can get back your mental clarity, focus, energy, and leave you pain free & fit.

Conventional medicine is essential for acute illness and injury but falls short when it comes to these underlying issues that lead to chronic symptoms.

This is where root cause, functional medicine shines.

Root cause, functional medicine is all about finding the various threads that weave together to create a complex set of symptoms that conventional medicine doesn’t have the tools to tease out.

Most of my clients have been through a revolving door or doctors, with little to no relief - my goal is to break that cycle and get you feeling better, fast.

Our multi-faceted approach allows us to work with
a wide variety of health issues including:

Book a FREE 20 minute online appointment to assess if you are a good fit for our program

Root cause online Health Coaching

In my Root Cause Online Health Coaching program, we combine all the various modalities and approaches to help you find, and address the root causes of your symptoms SO YOU CAN LIVE PAIN FREE WITH LOADS OF ENERGY AND ENJOY A RESTFUL NIGHT’S SLEEP

We are now able to identify the root cause of your pain, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, gut disturbance and myriad of symptoms to provide a targeted treatment protocol to restore health.

Prior to attending you will be asked to complete a comprehensive history and symptom questionnaire so that on our first consult we are well prepared. We connect via Zoom online and any essential Functional Medicine testing and gathering of your individual genetic profile can be done without leaving your home.


An indepth consult on your unique health issues, whether it’s aches and pains, or out of balance hormones, or anything in between
A thorough analysis of your diet to identify nutritional deficiencies that may lead to fatigue, brain fog, and slow tissue healing
Identifying food sensitivities or food allergies that might be leading to widespread inflammation
Exploring the health of the gut-brain connection to ensure it’s optimized to avoid the inflammation that may be clouding your thoughts or decision making.
Hormone testing to help identify imbalances that may be contributing to everything from energy swings, weight gain, or lack of libido
Review of potential environmental exposures that might be contributing to your health issues
Specialised functional medicine testing that helps us get to the root cause of your pain, headaches, fatigue, brain fog and/or gut disturbances.
A targeted treatment protocol to restore your health

Dedicated to your health

Book a FREE 20 minute online appointment to assess if you are a good fit for our program

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